Advanced Placement Program and Registration

  • AP District Honor Roll


    2023-2024 AP Exam Registration Information

    Denton ISD encourages all students who are enrolled in AP courses to take the AP Exam.  

    Here’s what you and your student need to know:

    • Students register for AP Exams in the fall. AP Exams will continue to be given in May.
    • Exam Fees
      • Total Cost for Exam
        • $100 per exam
          • ($40 nonrefundable deposit due on November 1, 2023, and final payment due on February 13, 2024)
        • $20 per exam for free/reduced lunch students
          • ($20 nonrefundable deposit due on November 1, 2023)
      • Students taking more than 4 AP Exams will receive a reduction in cost for additional exams.
        • First 4 Exams ($100 per exam/$20 per exam for free/reduced lunch)
        • Each additional exam ($50 per exam/$0 per exam for free/reduced lunch)

    Can I make a full payment ($100) now?

    • Yes.
    • You can make a full payment when the link is ready or wait until the spring to make the final payment ($60) after making your $40 deposit by November 1, 2022.

    If my student is free/reduced lunch and I have paid my $20 (by November 1, 2023) do I need to make a final payment in the spring?

    • No. Free/reduced lunch students pay a total of $20.

    Will I be able to register my student for an Advanced Placement test in the spring if they are currently enrolled in a fall class?

    • No.
    • If your student is currently enrolled in an AP course, you must pay a deposit by November 1, 2023.

    What if my student is enrolled in a spring only class? (Macroeconomics, Psychology, Government)

    • Students will register in the spring. The district and school will communicate the registration deadlines through the campus testing coordinators.

    What if I have a financial need?

    • If you have a financial need, contact the campus testing coordinator.


    Please see your campus testing coordinator for an AP Total Registration Link.