Mentoring with Denton ISD
Become a mentor. Help strengthen our community.
All children have the potential to succeed in life and contribute to society. However, not all children get the support they need to thrive. Mentoring happens when caring individuals provide young people with support, advice, friendship, reinforcement, and constructive examples. Mentoring can and does help young people succeed, no matter what their circumstances! At its most basic level, mentoring helps because it lets young people know that they have others who care about them, and who will listen to their dreams and help them achieve their goals.
Learn more about campus-specific mentoring by contacting a campus mentor. For more information or questions about the program, please contact Denton ISD's community engagement team at:
Leigh Ann Weaver
Community Engagement Coordinator
940-369-0146Chris Ice
Community Engagement Specialist
Become a Mentor
Becoming a Denton ISD Mentor is easy! Just commit to:
- Complete the mentor application (Coming Soon)
- Complete and pass the volunteer background check
- Attend a district mentor training
- Report your mentor hours
- Keep all student information private and confidential
- Meet with your mentee at the designated time and location each week for the 2019-2020 academic year
- Notify the campus mentor contact whenever you are unable to make a session so that a mentee is not left waiting for their mentor to arrive
Where are mentors needed?
Mentors are needed all of Denton ISD’s schools. We will work with you to place you at a location that is convenient for you in terms of geographic location, as well as to find the perfect mentee match based on grade level and area of need (i.e. reading, academics, social/emotional).
How is mentoring different than volunteering?
The Mentor Denton ISD program is for any person who is willing to provide a child with support, friendship, and a constructive example through one-on-one meetings each week. Our volunteer program is focused on providing volunteers for events, such as Read Across America or Career Days, as well as for large group or classroom support.
Who are mentors?
Community volunteers willing to share their time and expertise with an interested student are recruited to serve as mentors. The volunteers must complete an application and undergo a background and reference check. Some mentoring relationships last for many years, others do not. Mentors and mentees meet each week for 30-60 minutes, with an hour being ideal. DISD staff will work with the mentor to find the most convenient time for the meetings. The mentorship will continue for the entire academic year unless extenuating circumstances arise. Most mentors develop relationships with the students and want to see them continue to succeed. We encourage mentors to follow their mentees to the next grade level as they progress through school.
Does mentoring make a difference?
All children have the potential to succeed in life and contribute to society. However, not all children get the support they need to thrive. Mentoring benefits youth in many ways such as:
- Improving self-esteem
- Keeping young people in school
- Helping to improve academic skills
- Leading young people to resources they might not find on their own
- Providing support for new behaviors, attitudes and ambitions
- Increasing young people's ability to seek and keep jobs
Do I need special skills to be a mentor?
Many of our mentors have no previous teaching experience. The most effective mentors are those who are patient, committed, and willing to listen to their mentees. Mentoring volunteers do not need to be perfect, rich, or a superstar. Mentors simply need to be willing to help a young person by being a consistent, caring adult; someone who will help them problem solve, practice good communication, and introduce them to new experiences and ideas.
What do students do with their mentors?
Students can work with their mentors on academics, focusing on homework or assignments, or reading fluency. In addition, they can also talk about school and life, set goals, or play strategic board and card games.
Who can participate as a mentee?
Students in grades Pre-K through 12th who have been recommended by teachers, parents, and principals based on academic achievement, social/emotional needs, socio-economic status, at-risk status, or parent/guardian request.