Denton ISD Head Start Program

  • Head Start is a federally funded educational initiative that provides low-income children with an academic and social school-readiness foundation. Children must be three or four years old by Sept. 1 to be considered for the program. Denton ISD currently offers the Head Start program at the Ann Windle School for Young Children

    Families interested in enrolling their children in Head Start may be eligible for services if it is determined they are currently at or below the federal poverty level. Children who are homeless, in foster care or receive TANF or SSI assistance are also eligible. Pregnant women with a child(ren) who is/are three years old and have no available child care may also be eligible.

    To apply for consideration into Head Start all families should bring proof of income (previous year's tax return, TANF, SSI or four recent pay stubs), proof of residency (utility bill or lease agreements only), proof of medical insurance and a driver’s license or identification card of the parent/guardian. In addition, the child’s birth certificate, up-to-date immunization record and social security card are required.

    Applications for Head Start will be accepted only with all of the required documents. Selection into the program is determined by a computer-generated list based on needs. Enrollment into the program is only granted once all district and Head Start criteria have been met.

    Denton ISD annually holds a Head Start Roundup in the spring prior to the upcoming school year to help families determine eligibility, recruitment and selection into the program. For more information on Head Start or the application process, please contact 940-369-3900.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Head Start? How is it different from Pre-K?

  • Who should complete the Head Start Interest form?

  • I’ve completed the Head Start Interest form. What’s next?

  • ¿Qué es el programa de Head Start del Distrito escolar de Denton?

  • ¿Quién debe completar la forma de ingresos/egresos “Round Up”?

  • Instrucciones de aplicación:

  • ¿Qué debo traer para solicitar el programa Head Start?