Rezoning Information

  • As a result of many years of planning and leadership efforts by community members, parents, volunteers, Denton ISD team members, and our Denton ISD Board of Trustees, Reeves Elementary continues to take shape in preparation for its opening in the fall of 2025!

    As we plan to open Reeves Elementary School and continue to experience high rates of growth in the district, adjustments will have to be made to attendance zone boundaries to ensure we keep the number of students at a level that provides them with the most optimal opportunities to learn and grow. 

    These proposed boundary zone changes would take effect at the start of the 2025-2026 school year. The new boundary maps for elementary, middle and high schools are located on this webpage, and they include the following proposed changes:

    • Portions of the Borman Elementary, Calhoun Middle School and Denton High attendance zone have been proposed to attend E.P. Rayzor Elementary, Harpool Middle School and Guyer High School.
    • Portions of the Stephens Elementary, Myers Middle School and Ryan High attendance zone have been proposed to attend Nelson Elementary, McMath Middle School and Denton High.
    • Portions of the Shultz Elementary attendance zone have been proposed to attend Sam Houston Elementary.
    • Portions of the Evers Park Elementary, Newton Rayzor Elementary and Borman Elementary attendance zones have been proposed to attend Reeves Elementary. Reeves Elementary students will then attend Calhoun and/or McMath Middle School and Denton High.

Rezoning Process

Elementary Map

  • Boundary Map

    Click the map to view it larger

Middle School Map

  • Click the map to view it larger

High School Map

  • Click the map to view it larger

      • Families who could be affected received an email to provide their feedback in writing, as well as an invitation to attend a community meeting. Feedback shared will then be shared with our Board of Trustees. 

        All students who are subject to rezoning can complete a request to remain form to attend the campus in which they currently attend. Furthermore, all students can complete the transfer request during the designated window if they wish to attend a school outside their attendance boundary zone. The link for the request to remain will be available on this website beginning Jan. 6. The request to remain form will serve as the student’s transfer application.

        If your student(s) are being rezoned to another school for the 2025-2026 school year, but you wish for your student(s) to remain at their current school, please fill out the request to remain form at the link below:

        Rezoning Request to Remain Form

        This link will be active beginning at 8 a.m. on Jan. 6 until 4 p.m. on Feb. 21. 

        District guidelines for transfer will be in effect for families requesting to stay at their current campus. In subsequent years, if younger siblings wish to remain within the zone, a transfer application may be completed. Rezoning transfers will be approved and are subject to Denton ISD’s transfer guidelines. 

        For more information on the attendance zones, contact the district at the following:

        Area Superintendent’s Office: 940-369-0097