Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know if my child is eligible for transportation?

  • How is the 2-Mile distance measured?

  • How should I report my address and telephone number changes?

  • Can the driver stop at my house to pick up or drop off my child?

  • How do we know when a change has been made to a bus route?

  • Can my child ride home with a friend?

  • What happens if a bus is late for school?

  • Why does my student need to have a student ID to ride the bus?

  • Why don't school buses have seat belts?

  • Can a bus stop be added or a stop location changed?

  • How many passengers does a bus hold?

  • What is my child's walk-to-stop distance?

  • We live across the street from the 2 mile line. Why can't my child get on the bus that stops nearby?

  • Where can bus schedules be found?

  • My child's bus is overcrowded. Can some children be placed on another bus?

  • Do buses have video cameras?

  • Who should I call if the bus does not arrive to pick up my child on time?

  • What is a bus safety report?

  • If my child misses the bus, will the bus come back to pick him/her up?

  • Does the campus or teacher notify the bus department if I send a note to the teacher that my student is not going to be on the bus?

Special Needs Transportation FAQS

  • How do I get my child onto a Special needs bus?

  • My special needs child will not be riding the bus. What number should I call?

  • Can I just give my child's car seat to the driver each morning to be used on the bus?

  • Why does my special needs child's bus schedule change frequently?

  • I was told the specials needs bus my child is assigned would be here at a certain time, but it seems like every week it runs late. Can something be done about this?

  • I am stuck at an appointment and will not be home to receive my special needs child when the bus arrives, what can I do?

  • What if I want to just leave my special needs child at the door until I get home?

  • I am at home but the driver won't let my special needs child off the us until I come to the door. Can you tell them to just open the door and let my child off?

  • I have to work and I am not able to pick up my student. Can my student be picked up or dropped off at my place of employment?