
    2020-21 Grants-to-Teachers and Staff Scholarship Winners

    The DPSF awarded $121,110 for grants-to-teachers and staff scholarships in October 2020. While normally we are able to surprise our winners with our Prize Pep Rally this year we had to change things up. Award winners are listed below by school.


    Virginia Gallian Child Development Center

    Karen Smith - "A Rainbow of Possibilities"
    CoServ Grants to Teachers 2014 - $1000

    Halie Jordan - "Baby Book Club"
    LaGrone Family and La Grone Memorial Grants to Teachers - $1000



    Ann Windle School for Young Children

    Jennifer Engelbrecht - "Adventures in Outdoor Exploration"
    Ann Windle & Teacher2Teacher Employee Giving Grants to Teachers - $1000

    Kristin Reynolds - Talk Tools: Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach
    Ann Windle Early Childhood Scholarship - $427

    Allison Kiger - Post-Baccalaureate SLP Certificate in Deaf and Hard of Hearing
    Ann Windle Early Childhood Scholarship - $1000


    Gonzalez School for Young Children

    Rebecca Bowers - SDE-Texas Conference for Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
    Delaney Gregory Pre-K Staff Scholarship - $450

    Rebecca Bowers - "Setting the Stage"
    Balfour Beatty & Denton Public School Foundation Grant to Teachers - $930

    Cameron Mouser - "What is That Noise? What are They Making? Learning is FUN with Imagination STEM Station!"
    Balfour Beatty Grant to Teachers - $987

    Ana Smith - "Books y Libros: Learning Language through Literature"
    Denton Public School Collaborative Grant - $1381

    Terri Metzler and Taryn Jones - "Indoor/Outdoor Sensory Pathway to a Calmer Day"
    Denton Public School Collaborative Grant - $1022

    Christine Russell & Rebecca Bowers - "Light of My Life"
    CoServ Foundation 2015 Grant to Teachers - $$869

    Christine Russell - SDE-Texas Conference for Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
    Delaney Gregory Pre-K Staff Scholarship - $450



    Adkins Elementary

    Charlotte May and Twyla Fields - "Diving into Diversity"
    Balfour Beatty Grants to Teachers - $740

    Jamie McCormack - "More than Manila"
    Balfour Beatty & Denton Public School Foundation Grants to Teachers - $650



    Alexander Elementary

    Kimberly Bullock and Grania Sanger - "Let's Get Chromed! Innovation for Inclusion"
    Balfour Beatty & Denton Public School Foundation Grants to Teachers - $705

    Kimberly Bullock - Learner's Edge Continuing Education Course
    Peggy Sparks Staff Scholarship - $449

    Adriana Renovato - "Planting Love in Kindergarten"
    Teacher2Teacher Employee Giving and Denton Public School Foundation Grants to Teachers - $500

    Sandra Ledbetter and Autumn Segovia - "S.T.E.A.M.ing Full Ahead into Learning!"
    CoServ Foundation Grants to Teachers - $2304

    Kimberly Bullock and Fallon Jones - "Leaping Learners: Leveled Literacy Library will have Students Jumping for Joy"
    Denton Public School Foundation Collaborative Grant - $3836



     Bell Elementary

    Mia Taylor - "What Makes Us Different, Makes Us Special!"
    Teacher2Teacher Employee Giving Grant - $500

    Alasdair Green - "Pickleball for All! Bring the Fun of America's Fastest Growing Sport to Denton ISD"
    Sawko and Burroughs, PC., TDIndustries & Teacher2Teacher Employee Giving Grano Teachers - $700

    Lauren Walsh - "How Good Are Your Reflexes?"
    Sawko & Burroughs, PC, Ben E. Keith, & Denton Public School Foundation Grants to Teachers - $875



    Blanton Elementary

    Thea Turner - "That's Our Cue Two!" 
     CoServ Foundation 2015, Teacher2Teacher Employee Giving and Denton Public School Foundation Grants to Teachers - $990

    Angie Passons - "Bundle Up for Science"
    CoServ 2011-12 Grant to Teachers - $349

    Michelle Elizalde - "Magnetic Learning!"
    Denton Public School Foundation Grant to Teachers - $125

    Lynette Jones - "Stories... The Music To My Ears" 
    Sawko and Burroughs, PC. & Groundhog Day Gala Grants to Teachers - $319

    Michelle Elizalde - Reading Recovery Classes
    Gregory Family Scholarship - $1000



    Borman Elementary

    Kelley Quinn McGee - "All Means All: The Adaptive Art Studio"
    Alice Smith and Teacher2Teacher Grants to Teachers - $999

    Kelley Quinn McGee - National Art Education Association Convention
    Denton Public School Foundation Scholarship - $275

    Kelley Quinn McGee – "Pride & Joy: Capturing Community by Revitalizing Our Space"
    Denton Public School Foundation Collaborative Grant - $3681

    Olivia Roberts - "Growing Socially, Emotionally, and Academically Through Books"
    Teacher2Teacher Employee Giving & Denton Public School Foundation Grants to Teachers - $498



    Cross Oaks Elementary

    Stacy Bzdok - "It's Sew Exciting"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Erin Finley - "Making Music Count"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Diane Gruber - "Kindergarten Collaboration Stations!!!"
    2017 Employee Grant to Teachers

    Angela Marshall - "Get Comfy and Listen!"
    Balfour Beatty 2009 and DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Kayce McDade - "I'm Moving! I'm Learning! Flexible Seating Project"
    Balfour Beatty 2008 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Eliana Silverman - "Classroom Library and Shared Reading Materials"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers



    E. P. Rayzor Elementary

    Melissa Leonard and Carleen Michener - "Full STEAM Ahead!"
    CoServ 2017 School Wide Grant

    Dawn Vaughn – "Dyslexia Programs"
    Dawn Vaughn Dyslexia Grant-to-Teachers



    Evers Park Elementary

    Victor Cristales - "Math Motor Skills: Making Fact Fluency a Reflex"
    Mathnasium & CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants for Teachers



    Ginnings Elementary

    Kay Adamson – "Look What I Created...I Can Wear It Too!"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2017 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Geoffrey Gauntt - "Helping Hands Make Helping Hearts"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Renae Lemmons - "Fantasy Book Club Shelves"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2013 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Michael Leonas - "Viva La Musica: The Orff-Schulwerk Initiative Project"
    2017 Employee Giving and Howard Kasner Grants to Teachers

    Margarita Ramos-Rivera and Alison Hardy - "Books to Go!"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Leah Teer - "Hi-Lo Library"
    VLK 2014 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Lauren Rice and Geoffrey Gauntt - "High-Interest Books for Older Special Education Students"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers



    Hawk Elementary

    Shelby Kerner - "Active Seating for Active Minds"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers



    Hodge Elementary

    Al Brown - UNT Bachelor's Degree
    Norm Sisk Staff Scholarship

    John Brandon Miller – "Can You Hear Me"
    Groundhog Day Gala2006 and DPSF Grant to Teachers



    Houston Elementary

    Jill Arnold - "Reeling in Reluctant Readers to Read"
    Teresa Andress, 2017 Employee Giving and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Paige Donahoo - "Lucy Calkins 2nd Grade Units of Study"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Lori Gross and Gina Beidiger - "Unleashing the Reader and Writer in Me"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Mary Mitchell, Patricia Boosa, Stacy Hamilton, Johanna Iaia and Dawn Ide - "Extra! Extra! Read All About It!"
    Sawko & Burroughs and DPSF Grant to Teachers



    LA Nelson Elementary

    Denise Clyne - "Steaming Up the Art Room"

    Larry Kerner and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers 



    Lee Elementary

    Karsen Hatcher - "Family Fun Literacy Night - Reading is Our Superpower"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2004 and DPSF Grant-to-Teachers 



    McNair Elementary

    Melissa Larabee - "Hear Ye! Hear Ye!"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers



    Newton Rayzor Elementary

    Laura Alfaro-Mendoza - "If You Give a Child a Book -- Keeps on Giving!"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Stuart Bates - "iPads for World Language"
    Ben E. Keith and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Jenny Goodwin - "Which is it, Read or Read?! Learning to Read is Tricky!"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Ivonne Hunyh - "Using Books as Seed to Grow Children as Readers"
    Stantec & 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Melanie McGary and Heather Roberts - "The Missing Link: Handwriting Without Tears -- A Collaborative Approach"
    Hugh & Bernadette Coleman and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Whitney Sirois and Jenny Goodwin - "Spiraling Math with Number Corner"
    Mathnasium and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers




    Pecan Creek Elementary

    Denise Evans – National Reading RecoveryClassroom Literacy Conference
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Kent Hamilton and Juanita Ramirez-Robertson - Author! Author! Author!...Crafting Good Writers
    Vicki Sargent and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Victor Lozada – Media and Music - Connecting the Classroom in a Digital Age
    CoServ Foundation 2017 and Groundhog Day Gala 2003 Grants to Teachers



    Providence Elementary

    Mary Beth Dunning - "B is for Books"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Courtney Karns - "Music Stations"
    Howard Kasner Grant to Teachers

    Elizabeth Powelson - "Rok to Attention"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Lena Stiggers - "Patriotic Tower Garden"
    Wally Cooper and DPSF Grants to Teachers



    Rivera Elementary

    Dillon Downey - "All-Star Instrumentalists"

    Doug Newcomer - "Judo in Public Elementary School
    Groundhog Day Gala 2014 and 2015 Grants to Teachers

    Phyllis Oliver - "The Four C's of Chrome"
    CoServ 20112012 and 2015 Grants to Teachers

    Gustavo Rodriguez  - "Reading for a Scientific Mind"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Raul Sanchez & Taheerah Flores - "Rivera's Explorers"
    CoServ 2006 & 2007 Grants to Teachers



    WS Ryan Elementary

    Carolina Fernandez - "Classroom Library"
    Balfour Beatty 2017 and Alice Smith Grants to Teachers

    Shelley Langford - "Throw Your Voice with QBall"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Elizabeth Lopez - "Protecting Our Knowledge"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Shelly Renfro - DISD Elementary Teacher of the Year
    First State Bank Grant to Teachers



    Savannah Elementary

    Lara Isbell, Ann Athey, and Amy Liesveld - "The Parent Patron Project"
    BookCents Library Grant to Teachers

    Nancy Petolick - "Start Spreading the News"
    Robert Colen McSween Grant to Teachers



    Stephens Elementary

    Lucy Susan Boone - "Crazy for Ozobots"
    CoServ 2011-2012 Grant to Teachers

    Kimberly Bullock - "Social Studies RULES (Recognizing, Understanding, and Learning Essential Skills)"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Nicole Sanders - "Innovative  Acceleration"
    DPSF 2017 School Wide Grant



    Woodrow Wilson Elementary

    Karen McPherson, Rachel Denbeck, Molly Taylor, Mylina Yarbrough, Fernando Reyna, and Lynette Walker - "Third Grade is in Bloom"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    David Rowland - "A Place to Sit, A Place to Stand, A Place to Sing, Let's Rise to the Occasion!"
    Balfour Beatty 2005 and 2006 Grants to Teachers



    Calhoun Middle School

    Brian Morrison - "Math at 30 Frames-Per-Second"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teacher



    Crownover Middle School

    Michelle Duck - Master's in Educational Administration
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Bonnie McCormick - "Breaking Out!"
    DPSF 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Dawn Regenold - "Reading is Thinking - Inquiry Reading"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers



    Harpool Middle School

    Jamie Shockley - "Room Escape Challenge"
    DATCU 2005 and 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Loren Wells - Graduate School
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Staff Scholarship



    McMath Middle School

    Matthew Jones - "Equipping Today for Tomorrow"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Robin Looney - "IC3 Certification Success"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Susana Mercado - "Taking Education Into Your Own Hands"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Denise Newbrand - UNT Doctoral Dissertation
    CoServ 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Blazer Powell - UNT Bachelor's Degree
    Denton Public School Administrators' Association and DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarships

    Amanda Wagemann - 8th Grade Field Trip to Perot Museum of Science and Nature
    CoServ 2015 and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers 



    Bettye Myers Middle School

    Ticcara Cassell - "Cooking with Skills"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 and DPSF Grants to Teachers



    Navo Middle School

    Trevelyn Everitt-Gyure - "Master of Math"
    Ray Braswell, Sr. and Jared Taylor Grants to Teachers



     Rodriguez Middle School

    B.J. Garcia - "Cardboard Boat Regatta"
    CoServ 2015 Grant to Teachers

    Cody Martin - "Outdoor Education"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Rachel Murphy - Teachers College Reading and Writing Project
    Peggy Sparks and DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship



    Strickland Middle School

    Michael Burris - Master of Music Education
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Michael Burris - "Mariachi Los Vikingos"
    TDIndustries and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Christina Dearman - Mindful Schools Training: Mindful Educator Essentials Course
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Rene Hernandez, Susan Garrett, Johnny Mumford, and Kim Hope - "Random Acts of Kindness Week"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Nachel Konemann - "Outfitting a Music Program"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Jennifer Murray - "Accessing Technology for Students with Profound Intellectual Disabilities"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers



    Braswell High School

    Jazmine Farmer - "Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Grant to Teachers

    Kimberly Fritch - Graduate Degree in Educational Leadership
    Gregory Family Staff Scholarship

    Noel Hill - "Making it in the Real World"
    2017 Employee Giving and Book Cents Grants to Teachers

    Nora Kalmbach - "Imagination Has No Limits"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    John Parsons - "3D Printer for Creation of Non-Standard Shapes for Volume Calculations"
    Ray Braswell, Sr. and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Amy Rodriguez - "Sensory Room Initiative"
    Balfour Beatty 2013 And 2014 Grants to Teachers



    Denton High School

    Mark Baker – "DHS Choir Projects"
    McEwen-Deck Grant-to-Teachers

    Carron Collier - "Communication and CooperationIncrease Achievement and Attitudes"
    DHS PTSA Teacher Grant to Teachers

    Jamie Covey - DISD Secondary Teacher of the Year
    Ronny Crownover Grant to Teachers

    Mary Dean - "Math in 'Living' Color"
    DHS PTSA Teacher Grant to Teachers

    Megan Gabriel - "Calculate Like it's 1999? Let's Not!"

    Etienne Illy - "Exploring Identity Through Art"
    DHS PTSA Teacher Grant

    David Knight - "Health Science Revamp"
    DHS PTSA & Kristopherson Family Grants to Teachers

    Amy Romero - Denton Chamber of Commerce/Adopt-A-School First Year Employee Grant and CoServ Foundation 2016 Grant

    James Rosin and Martha Slack - "IntegratingTextiles and Needlework Into New Art Forms"
    DHS PTSA & DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Jennifer Phillips - "DHS StuCo Projects"
    David Glass Grant-to-Teachers

    Scott Heffley - "DHS Boys Soccer"
    McEwen-Deck Grant-to-Teachers



    Guyer High School

    Sabrina Erwin - "Nearby Materials"
    John Guyer Memorial and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Katherine Gengo - "Junior World Affairs Council Membership"
    DPSF 2017 Grant to Teachers 

    Amber Mumford - "Chromebooks in the Math Classroom"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Michelle Overton, Tracy Wilson, and Amber Mumford - "Ancillary Materials for Geometry"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 and 2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Makayla Price - "REALM Magazine Printing Project"
    Barbara Fischer and Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers



    Ryan High School

    Shannon Flanagan - "Casting Class"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Jayme Kiraly and Don Goldston - "Arrows to Success"
    Balfour Beatty 2015 and 2016 Grants to Teachers



    LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex

    Rebecca Hendricks - "Restore School Trailer"
    Edwin Owen Fulton and CoServ Foundation Grants to Teachers



     Annex/Child Nutrition Services

    Sandra Golden - "Mentor to Attend"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers



    Special Education Services

    Jennifer Austin - 51st Annual Gatlinburg Conference
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Nykell Elkins - National Association of School Psychology Conference
    iTeach Texas and Mike Gregory Staff Scholarship

    Sara Pellegreen, Bea Magana, and Jennifer Murray - "See Me Sit"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Sherri Ross - "Brain Beats"
    Robert Colon McSween Grant to Teachers