
    2017-2018 Grants-to-Teachers and Staff Scholarship Winners

    The DPSF awarded $108,000 for grants-to-teachers and staff scholarships in December 2017. All awards were presented during DPSF Grant Gifting. Award winners are listed below by school.


    Virginia Gallian Child Development Center

    Karen Smith - "Sensory and Play"
    Dorothy Atkins and Kevin & Emily Roden Pre-K Grants to Teachers



    Gonzalez School for Young Children

    Rebecca Bowers - Texas Pre-K Conference
    Ann Windle and Delaney Gregory Pre-K Staff Scholarships

    Heather Brisco - "Sing, Say, Dance, Play: Music Will Move My Day"
    Delaney Gregory Pre-K Grant to Teachers

    Diana Chavez - Master's in Speech-Language Pathology
    Ann Windle Pre-K Staff Scholarships

    Taryn Hope - "Science Inside and Out!"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Couri Sargent & Rebecca Bowers - "Don't Count Your Chickens Before Your Hatch"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Couri Sargent - SDE-Texas Conference for Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
    Ann Windle Pre-K Staff Scholarship



     Bell Elementary

    Monette Kane - "Let's Get Tech Savvy to Learn Vocabulary"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2007 and CoServ 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Katrena Leininger - National Reading Recovery/K-6 Literacy Conference
    DPSF Staff Scholarship

    Billie Lowrie - "Robust Robots"
    CoServ 2008 & 2009 and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Becky Voight - National Reading Recovery/K-6 Literacy Conference
    DPSF Staff Scholarship



    Blanton Elementary

    Kelli Brown - "Bringing Innovation to the Classroom" 
    Groundhog Day Gala 2005 and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Lisa Dorrell - "GaGa Ball for One and All"
    LaGrone Family and LaGrone Memorial Grants to Teachers

    Lynette Jones - "Learning is Bigger than Life"
    Margaret Clarke and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Nicolas Miranda - "Ocarina Classroom Set 
    DPSF 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Angela Passons - "Environments and Ecosystems"
    Doug Key Memorial Grant to Teachers

    Thea Turner - "Chromebooks for Googling Einsteins"
    CoServ 2014 Grant to Teachers



    Borman Elementary

    Christina Bonner - "Flexible Minds Flexible Seating"
    Gene & Lynn Gumfory and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Marti Couch - "Flexi Class"
    Balfour Beatty 2007 and 2010 Grants to Teachers

    Brandon Jones – "Dia De Los Muertos Calaveras"
    VLK 2015 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    C. Lorraine Thompson - "Flexi Class"
    DATCU 2014 & 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Heather Thornburg - "Make-A-Space"
    Drs. David & Bobbye Thomas and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers



    Cross Oaks Elementary

    Stacy Bzdok - "It's Sew Exciting"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Erin Finley - "Making Music Count"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Diane Gruber - "Kindergarten Collaboration Stations!!!"
    2017 Employee Grant to Teachers

    Angela Marshall - "Get Comfy and Listen!"
    Balfour Beatty 2009 and DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Kayce McDade - "I'm Moving! I'm Learning! Flexible Seating Project"
    Balfour Beatty 2008 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Eliana Silverman - "Classroom Library and Shared Reading Materials"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers



    E. P. Rayzor Elementary

    Melissa Leonard and Carleen Michener - "Full STEAM Ahead!"
    CoServ 2017 School Wide Grant

    Dawn Vaughn – "Dyslexia Programs"
    Dawn Vaughn Dyslexia Grant-to-Teachers



    Evers Park Elementary

    Victor Cristales - "Math Motor Skills: Making Fact Fluency a Reflex"
    Mathnasium & CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants for Teachers



    Ginnings Elementary

    Kay Adamson – "Look What I Created...I Can Wear It Too!"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2017 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Geoffrey Gauntt - "Helping Hands Make Helping Hearts"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Renae Lemmons - "Fantasy Book Club Shelves"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2013 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Michael Leonas - "Viva La Musica: The Orff-Schulwerk Initiative Project"
    2017 Employee Giving and Howard Kasner Grants to Teachers

    Margarita Ramos-Rivera and Alison Hardy - "Books to Go!"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Leah Teer - "Hi-Lo Library"
    VLK 2014 and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Lauren Rice and Geoffrey Gauntt - "High-Interest Books for Older Special Education Students"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers



    Hawk Elementary

    Shelby Kerner - "Active Seating for Active Minds"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers



    Hodge Elementary

    Al Brown - UNT Bachelor's Degree
    Norm Sisk Staff Scholarship

    John Brandon Miller – "Can You Hear Me"
    Groundhog Day Gala2006 and DPSF Grant to Teachers



    Houston Elementary

    Jill Arnold - "Reeling in Reluctant Readers to Read"
    Teresa Andress, 2017 Employee Giving and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Paige Donahoo - "Lucy Calkins 2nd Grade Units of Study"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Lori Gross and Gina Beidiger - "Unleashing the Reader and Writer in Me"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Mary Mitchell, Patricia Boosa, Stacy Hamilton, Johanna Iaia and Dawn Ide - "Extra! Extra! Read All About It!"
    Sawko & Burroughs and DPSF Grant to Teachers



    LA Nelson Elementary

    Denise Clyne - "Steaming Up the Art Room"

    Larry Kerner and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers 



    Lee Elementary

    Karsen Hatcher - "Family Fun Literacy Night - Reading is Our Superpower"
    Groundhog Day Gala 2004 and DPSF Grant-to-Teachers 



    McNair Elementary

    Melissa Larabee - "Hear Ye! Hear Ye!"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers



    Newton Rayzor Elementary

    Laura Alfaro-Mendoza - "If You Give a Child a Book -- Keeps on Giving!"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Stuart Bates - "iPads for World Language"
    Ben E. Keith and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Jenny Goodwin - "Which is it, Read or Read?! Learning to Read is Tricky!"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Ivonne Hunyh - "Using Books as Seed to Grow Children as Readers"
    Stantec & 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Melanie McGary and Heather Roberts - "The Missing Link: Handwriting Without Tears -- A Collaborative Approach"
    Hugh & Bernadette Coleman and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Whitney Sirois and Jenny Goodwin - "Spiraling Math with Number Corner"
    Mathnasium and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers




    Pecan Creek Elementary

    Denise Evans – National Reading RecoveryClassroom Literacy Conference
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Kent Hamilton and Juanita Ramirez-Robertson - Author! Author! Author!...Crafting Good Writers
    Vicki Sargent and 2017 Employee Giving Grants to Teachers

    Victor Lozada – Media and Music - Connecting the Classroom in a Digital Age
    CoServ Foundation 2017 and Groundhog Day Gala 2003 Grants to Teachers



    Providence Elementary

    Mary Beth Dunning - "B is for Books"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Courtney Karns - "Music Stations"
    Howard Kasner Grant to Teachers

    Elizabeth Powelson - "Rok to Attention"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Lena Stiggers - "Patriotic Tower Garden"
    Wally Cooper and DPSF Grants to Teachers



    Rivera Elementary

    Dillon Downey - "All-Star Instrumentalists"

    Doug Newcomer - "Judo in Public Elementary School
    Groundhog Day Gala 2014 and 2015 Grants to Teachers

    Phyllis Oliver - "The Four C's of Chrome"
    CoServ 20112012 and 2015 Grants to Teachers

    Gustavo Rodriguez  - "Reading for a Scientific Mind"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Raul Sanchez & Taheerah Flores - "Rivera's Explorers"
    CoServ 2006 & 2007 Grants to Teachers



    WS Ryan Elementary

    Carolina Fernandez - "Classroom Library"
    Balfour Beatty 2017 and Alice Smith Grants to Teachers

    Shelley Langford - "Throw Your Voice with QBall"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Elizabeth Lopez - "Protecting Our Knowledge"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Shelly Renfro - DISD Elementary Teacher of the Year
    First State Bank Grant to Teachers



    Savannah Elementary

    Lara Isbell, Ann Athey, and Amy Liesveld - "The Parent Patron Project"
    BookCents Library Grant to Teachers

    Nancy Petolick - "Start Spreading the News"
    Robert Colen McSween Grant to Teachers



    Stephens Elementary

    Lucy Susan Boone - "Crazy for Ozobots"
    CoServ 2011-2012 Grant to Teachers

    Kimberly Bullock - "Social Studies RULES (Recognizing, Understanding, and Learning Essential Skills)"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Nicole Sanders - "Innovative  Acceleration"
    DPSF 2017 School Wide Grant



    Woodrow Wilson Elementary

    Karen McPherson, Rachel Denbeck, Molly Taylor, Mylina Yarbrough, Fernando Reyna, and Lynette Walker - "Third Grade is in Bloom"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    David Rowland - "A Place to Sit, A Place to Stand, A Place to Sing, Let's Rise to the Occasion!"
    Balfour Beatty 2005 and 2006 Grants to Teachers



    Calhoun Middle School

    Brian Morrison - "Math at 30 Frames-Per-Second"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teacher



    Crownover Middle School

    Michelle Duck - Master's in Educational Administration
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Bonnie McCormick - "Breaking Out!"
    DPSF 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Dawn Regenold - "Reading is Thinking - Inquiry Reading"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers



    Harpool Middle School

    Jamie Shockley - "Room Escape Challenge"
    DATCU 2005 and 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Loren Wells - Graduate School
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Staff Scholarship



    McMath Middle School

    Matthew Jones - "Equipping Today for Tomorrow"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Robin Looney - "IC3 Certification Success"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Susana Mercado - "Taking Education Into Your Own Hands"
    2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Denise Newbrand - UNT Doctoral Dissertation
    CoServ 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Blazer Powell - UNT Bachelor's Degree
    Denton Public School Administrators' Association and DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarships

    Amanda Wagemann - 8th Grade Field Trip to Perot Museum of Science and Nature
    CoServ 2015 and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers 



    Bettye Myers Middle School

    Ticcara Cassell - "Cooking with Skills"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 and DPSF Grants to Teachers



    Navo Middle School

    Trevelyn Everitt-Gyure - "Master of Math"
    Ray Braswell, Sr. and Jared Taylor Grants to Teachers



     Rodriguez Middle School

    B.J. Garcia - "Cardboard Boat Regatta"
    CoServ 2015 Grant to Teachers

    Cody Martin - "Outdoor Education"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Rachel Murphy - Teachers College Reading and Writing Project
    Peggy Sparks and DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship



    Strickland Middle School

    Michael Burris - Master of Music Education
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Michael Burris - "Mariachi Los Vikingos"
    TDIndustries and DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Christina Dearman - Mindful Schools Training: Mindful Educator Essentials Course
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Rene Hernandez, Susan Garrett, Johnny Mumford, and Kim Hope - "Random Acts of Kindness Week"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Nachel Konemann - "Outfitting a Music Program"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    Jennifer Murray - "Accessing Technology for Students with Profound Intellectual Disabilities"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers



    Braswell High School

    Jazmine Farmer - "Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Grant to Teachers

    Kimberly Fritch - Graduate Degree in Educational Leadership
    Gregory Family Staff Scholarship

    Noel Hill - "Making it in the Real World"
    2017 Employee Giving and Book Cents Grants to Teachers

    Nora Kalmbach - "Imagination Has No Limits"
    Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers

    John Parsons - "3D Printer for Creation of Non-Standard Shapes for Volume Calculations"
    Ray Braswell, Sr. and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Amy Rodriguez - "Sensory Room Initiative"
    Balfour Beatty 2013 And 2014 Grants to Teachers



    Denton High School

    Mark Baker – "DHS Choir Projects"
    McEwen-Deck Grant-to-Teachers

    Carron Collier - "Communication and CooperationIncrease Achievement and Attitudes"
    DHS PTSA Teacher Grant to Teachers

    Jamie Covey - DISD Secondary Teacher of the Year
    Ronny Crownover Grant to Teachers

    Mary Dean - "Math in 'Living' Color"
    DHS PTSA Teacher Grant to Teachers

    Megan Gabriel - "Calculate Like it's 1999? Let's Not!"

    Etienne Illy - "Exploring Identity Through Art"
    DHS PTSA Teacher Grant

    David Knight - "Health Science Revamp"
    DHS PTSA & Kristopherson Family Grants to Teachers

    Amy Romero - Denton Chamber of Commerce/Adopt-A-School First Year Employee Grant and CoServ Foundation 2016 Grant

    James Rosin and Martha Slack - "IntegratingTextiles and Needlework Into New Art Forms"
    DHS PTSA & DPSF Grants to Teachers

    Jennifer Phillips - "DHS StuCo Projects"
    David Glass Grant-to-Teachers

    Scott Heffley - "DHS Boys Soccer"
    McEwen-Deck Grant-to-Teachers



    Guyer High School

    Sabrina Erwin - "Nearby Materials"
    John Guyer Memorial and CoServ Foundation 2017 Grants to Teachers

    Katherine Gengo - "Junior World Affairs Council Membership"
    DPSF 2017 Grant to Teachers 

    Amber Mumford - "Chromebooks in the Math Classroom"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Michelle Overton, Tracy Wilson, and Amber Mumford - "Ancillary Materials for Geometry"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 and 2017 Employee Giving Grant to Teachers

    Makayla Price - "REALM Magazine Printing Project"
    Barbara Fischer and Chamber of Commerce 1st Year Employee Grant to Teachers



    Ryan High School

    Shannon Flanagan - "Casting Class"
    CoServ Foundation 2017 Grant to Teachers

    Jayme Kiraly and Don Goldston - "Arrows to Success"
    Balfour Beatty 2015 and 2016 Grants to Teachers



    LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex

    Rebecca Hendricks - "Restore School Trailer"
    Edwin Owen Fulton and CoServ Foundation Grants to Teachers



     Annex/Child Nutrition Services

    Sandra Golden - "Mentor to Attend"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers



    Special Education Services

    Jennifer Austin - 51st Annual Gatlinburg Conference
    DPSF 2017 Staff Scholarship

    Nykell Elkins - National Association of School Psychology Conference
    iTeach Texas and Mike Gregory Staff Scholarship

    Sara Pellegreen, Bea Magana, and Jennifer Murray - "See Me Sit"
    DPSF Grant to Teachers

    Sherri Ross - "Brain Beats"
    Robert Colon McSween Grant to Teachers