Business Operations
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Financial Transparency: Reports
Audit Reports for Fiscal Year End (FYE) 2023 and prior. Effective FYE 2024, see Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.
Comparability Report with TRS ActiveCare Primary of Texas
Per Section 22.004 of the Education Code, Texas school districts that do not participate in the Texas Retirement System (TRS) are required to report if their plans are comparable to the ActiveCare Primary of Texas Plan. The following Comparability Report for the Denton ISD Health Insurance Plan and the TRS Health Insurance Plan has been completed and provided by our Benefits Consultant, Higginbotham. Please use this link to view the report on our Benefits webpage:
Quarterly Investment Reports
Schools FIRST Ratings
- 2021-22 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 09/26/23
- 2020-21 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 09/27/22
- 2019-20 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 09/28/21
- 2018-19 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 09/22/20
- 2017-18 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 09/10/19
- 2016-17 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 09/11/18
- 2015-16 Schools FIRST Rating - Report 10/24/17
- Prior Reports
Unclaimed Property
Denton ISD is required by state statute to remit to the State of Texas all unclaimed property valued at greater than $100. The report is filed annually on July 1 for balances as of the previous June 30. See the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts website to search for unclaimed property remitted to the state.
Items valued at $100 or less are retained by Denton ISD and available for reclaim under the procedures outlined below.
The type of property determines the length of the abandonment period. The most common types of property issued by the district that may be considered abandoned are payroll checks (1 year) and accounts payable checks (3 years).
Specific procedures must be followed to ensure the funds are delivered to the appropriate owner. Use the links below to search the list of unclaimed property held by Denton ISD and follow the procedures outlined below to claim the property.Procedures to Claim Property
Send an email to stating name of claimant, address, phone number, and e-mail address. Please allow four weeks to process claim.