Student Transfers
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Intra-District Transfer
Intra-District Transfer is for students in grades K-12 who live inside the Denton ISD attendance boundary and transfer to another school in the Denton ISD attendance boundary. When reviewing petitions for student transfers, Denton ISD will consider each request on an individual basis; however, the regulations below are in place to ensure consistency in our process.
Approving Transfers
In approving transfers, the district will consider building and program capacity, instructional staff, the student's academic progress, discipline history, and attendance records.
Once approved for a transfer, a student may remain at the approved campus up to the highest grade level (5th grade for elementary; 8th grade for middle school), unless the campus revokes the transfer. Whenever a student reaches the highest level, a new transfer request must be made for the next campus.
Until an approved transfer has been received, a student must enroll in and attend their assigned school based on the residence of their parent or legal guardian.
Denton ISD DOES NOT provide transportation for students who are approved for intra-district transfers. Transfer students must be dropped off and picked up on time.
A student shall be permitted a transfer no more than once per school year.
An intra-district transfer student who transfers for program placements, academies, or course selections shall be required to return to the school serving his or her home attendance zone at the end of the school year if the student voluntarily withdraws or is removed from the program, academy, or course. A student may petition for a regular transfer during the transfer period.
There is No Appeal for Elementary Intra-District Transfers
UIL Rules
Transfer students are subject to the University Interscholastic League (UIL) rules as well as local district guidelines. A student may not transfer to Denton ISD for the primary purpose of participating in extracurricular activities. Detailed eligibility guidelines are available online and should be investigated fully.
Any student who participates in extracurricular activities must clearly indicate this intent to participate, to assist in the determination of eligibility. In most cases, transfer students in grades 9-12 can expect to be ineligible to participate in varsity level competitive extracurricular activities for a period of at least one year from the first date of attending the new campus.
There is No Appeal for Inter-District Transfers
Request to Remain
A student who lives in the Denton ISD attendance zone, but moves outside of the Denton ISD attendance zone during the course of the semester will be permitted to continue in attendance at their current Denton ISD campus for the remainder of the semester by petitioning a "Request to Remain."
After the semester has ended, the student must request an inter-district transfer, within the transfer window, for subsequent years. A transfer student shall be notified in the written transfer agreement that he or she must follow all rules and regulations of the District. Violation of the terms of the agreement may result in a transfer request not being approved for the following year.
Revocation of Transfer
Reasons for revoking a transfer shall include, but is not limited to the following:
- Lack of parental support for campus guidelines
- Lack of parental cooperation
- Knowingly falsifying information
- Student misconduct
- Student tardiness
- Student attendance history
- Student dropped off or picked up late
Transfer Guidelines
Elementary Transfer Application
Secondary Transfer Application