• Criteria for placement into GT/EXPO 
    The criteria for placement for students in kindergarten are an ability score and at least two other scores at or above the District Line:

    District Line

    1. Parent checklist                           95% (18)

    2.Teacher checklist                          95% (18)

    3. Portfolio                                         9

    4. Intelligence/abilities test            125             

    The criteria for placement for students in grades one through twelve are at least one score at or above the District Line on the qualitative assessments (#1-2 below) and at least two scores at or above the District Line on the quantitative assessments (#3- 5 below).

    District Line

    1. Parent checklist (grades 1-5)                   95% (18)

        Divergent feeling (grades 6-12)               95%

    2. Teacher checklist                                       95% (18)

    3. Creativity test                                             125

    4. Intelligence/abilities test                          125

    5. Achievement test                                       95%

    The EXPO Placement Committee will have the option of reviewing any student’s profile that needs special consideration for program placement.  Parents will then be informed.

    Denton ISD will make every effort to assess all students in languages they understand or with non-verbal tests.  All populations of the district have access to assessment, and if identified, services are offered as part of the program for gifted and talented students.

    See the link for specific testing dates.